Magnesium is undoubtedly the most essential element in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and strokes. It has been established that people suffering from heart problems have very low magnesium and high calcium levels in their bodies. High calcium levels and insufficient magnesium lead to a narrowing and hardening of arteries reducing their elasticity at the same time, which increases blood pressure and a risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Atherosclerosis, the condition which involves calcium deposits in the arterial walls, is closely linked to magnesium deficiency. Not only magnesium relaxes and dilates arteries, it also lowers cholesterol deposits by removing their major component – calcium – from the fatty plaques in the arterial walls, thus normalising blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
There is extensive research showing that when patients with coronary heart disease are treated with high doses of magnesium injections, their survival rate increases dramatically.
Worldwide, the intake of magnesium has decreased and that of calcium has increased – due to high use of fertilisers high in calcium and low in magnesium, and a general depletion of soils of magnesium. This (and other factors, such as unhealthy diet and lifestyle) has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the number of people suffering from heart-related and circulatory problems. Potassium (coming from fertilisers) is thought to be another culprit leading to magnesium-depleted soils and, as a result, a catastrophic reduction of magnesium in our diets.
Areas, where the soil is low in calcium and potassium and high in magnesium, show a much lower rate of conditions connected with magnesium deficiency, and this, of course, includes heart disease.
In her article “MAGNESIUM IN ONCOGENESIS AND IN ANTI-CANCER TREATMENT: INTERACTION WITH MINERALS AND VITAMINS”, Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H. says about the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease:
“Greater morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease is directly correlated with water softness and diet. Metabolic balance studies, with normal young adults on their usual diets, show that the lesser American Mg intake by adults, causing negative Mg balance, than in the Orient, correlates with the much higher death rate from ischemic heart disease (IHD) in the USA. Most American diets provide less than 70% of the 1980 recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Mg. Experimental and clinical studies and epidemiologic findings indicate that it is Mg, rather than Ca, that protects against IHD, myocardial infarcts and sudden unexpected cardiac death caused by arrhythmias.”
Levels of magnesium can be increased very quickly using Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. This involves massaging or spraying magnesium oil on the body regularly. Such applications help to replenish magnesium levels by-passing digestion which is not always a reliable medium for magnesium supplementation, due to a not always efficient digestive system, as well as magnesium, being a laxative. If an excessive amount is taken this can cause diarrhoea and more magnesium loss than gain. For this reason, the skin has proved the best and safest self-regulatory medium for magnesium absorption – it won’t take more magnesium than is essential for the body.
Transdermally, magnesium can also be administered in baths, foot baths and compresses. For a bath, I suggest using magnesium flakes as the more economical way to achieve the best concentration. Use about 500g of magnesium chloride flake in a bath, and 250g in a foot bath. Such procedures are most beneficial before bed time, since deep relaxation resulting from and an increase of magnesium in the body will certainly promote sleep.
To buy magnesium oil “Bishofit”, Epsom salt or magnesium flakes, visit
To book magnesium-based treatments, visit
To study our courses, including Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, visit