How Can Magnesium Help Manage Diabetes?

How Can Magnesium Help Manage Diabetes?

People often wonder – how can magnesium help manage diabetes? What happens in the body of a diabetic person when they are deficient in magnesium?

The main thing to remember is that magnesium plays a vital role in carbohydrate metabolism. Low magnesium levels are recognised by medical practitioners both as a marker for diabetes and a reason for it. Low magnesium levels lead to insulin resistance of body cells, and a decrease in the production of insulin. This happens because both processes require magnesium.

Body cell membranes open up to allow the influx of glucose, with the help of insulin. When the cell insulin receptors stop reacting to insulin, membranes fail to open, glucose cannot enter the cell, so staying in the blood. As a result, insulin resistance develops which leads to elevation of glucose and insulin levels in the blood.

This leads to  a tissue damage which results in a dramatic reduction of magnesium level in the body, and this in turn leads to an increased risk of cholesterol build-up, heart disease, and an onset of diabetes. However, when magnesium level in the body rises, insulin sensitivity of body cells increases, and glucose level in the blood normalises. This is one of the reasons why magnesium supplementation is so important in people with type 2 diabetes.

Another important feature of magnesium is that it is used by the isles of Langerhans to produce insulin. Where magnesium is deficient, insulin production is insufficient. And on the other hand, with adequate magnesium supplementation insulin production normalises.

Some of the reasons for magnesium deficiency include heavy metal toxicity. Lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminium destroy the beta cells which produce insulin in the process of auto-immune reaction. These heavy metals bond with the cells in the pancreas triggering an auto-immune reaction and destruction of the beta-cells which produce insulin.

Junk foods which have taken over the globe, has a lot to answer for. Not only it contains a huge amount of sugar and fat, but also a large number of chemicals which are used by the food industry. These toxic substances rob the body of vital minerals, with magnesium to be the main one to suffer.

Pesticides, growth hormones, poisons in plastic packaging, cosmetics, medicines, alcohol, drugs, chemotherapy, vaccines – these are some other factors which bind with magnesium in the body and virtually suck us dry of this mineral of life, thus undermining our immunity and making us sick.

Diabetes sufferers have a higher requirement in magnesium than a healthy person. For this reason it is hard to over-estimate how important it is for a person with diabetes to ensure that their magnesium levels are topped up regularly.

There are various ways to top up magnesium levels

Oral supplementation is probably the first one most of us will think of when we talk about topping up our level of magnesium in the body. However, not all of us can absorb oral magnesium efficiently, especially if the digestive system is clogged up with impurities, or is not very efficient – which is true of the majority of the world population over the age of 30. Even when it is healthy, much of magnesium we take orally passes through the body unabsorbed, and if we take too much then even less of it will be absorbed, since it is a laxative.

This makes transdermal magnesium supplementation a much more suitable and attractive option for most people. Transdermally, magnesium gets into the cells – where it is most needed – much more quickly than it does when taken by mouth.

The most popular ways to supplement magnesium transdermally is by taking a bath, using magnesium spray, or in a massage. Body spray and massage are most economical ways to do it. Just spray or massage the body with magnesium oil once a day after a bath or a shower. Leave it on for 1 hour, or even overnight if you can, and you should feel the relaxing and tension relieving effects of magnesium very soon.

Transdermally, magnesium can also be administered in baths, foot baths and compresses. For a bath I suggest using magnesium flakes as the more economical way to achieve the best concentration. Use about 500g -1kg of magnesium chloride flake in a bath, and 250g – 500g in a foot bath. Such procedures are most beneficial before bed time, since deep relaxation resulting from and increase of magnesium in the body will certainly promote sleep.

Alternatives to magnesium chloride

Although Magnesium Chloride is deemed by experts to be the easiest absorbed form of magnesium, there are other well-known sources of magnesium – Epsom Salt and Dead Sea salt. Epsom salt contains magnesium bound by sulphur, which is more suitable for some purposes where sulphur compounds are important – e.g. in liver detox and in treating children with Asperger’s syndrome.


Far Infrared Magnesium Wrap

This is an amazingly relaxing and therapeutic treatment which I have developed recently. It is aimed at those who are desperately deficient in magnesium and need quick supplementation. The treatment uses far-infrared heat to open up pores and boost circulation not only in the skin, but in deeper body structures. With the pores open and blood flow increased, magnesium stands a better chance to be absorbed quickly and in large quantities.

The treatment is preceded by a massage to stimulate circulation and soften up the tissues. The infrared heat helps open up the cell membranes, which contributes towards magnesium absorption.

Apart from being very therapeutic, the treatment is thoroughly relaxing, thanks to the effects of magnesium and the infrared heat. It promotes detoxification on the cellular level, helps to relieve aches, pains, muscle spasms, arthritis, sleep problems, fatigue, boost immunity, promote relaxation, help relieve water retention and is a really great start to a weight loss programme. People generally lose a lot of water during the treatment which has an added physical effect of feeling lighter afterwards.

One of my customers described the way she felt during the treatment as “wrapped in a soft cocoon”, and another said that it felt “like being in a mother’s womb waiting to be born”.

Links & Information:

1. Where can I buy magnesium products? –

2. Learn more about and book Far Infrared Magnesium (and other minerals wrap treatments in London, UK

3. Learn more about and book the TRAINING (online and/or in person) to be able to do the treatment on yourself and customers –

4. “Travelling With Diabetes” – planning tips as well as helpful safety and practical information for travellers with diabetes.

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